Saturday, July 7, 2012

So it has started...

So quite a bit has happened since Tuesday.  Tuesday she said "I still value your friendship and I hope we can talk this over when you have cooled off". Yeah, I'm not likely to believe that. Well, I was posting on Facebook about moving my horses and many friend inquired out of curiosity. Jill posted on one of my statuses "Good luck to you. Hope all goes well with the girls." My mom posted back with "Too bad Jill didn't like to pay her employees. Funny how she has money for an expensive Great Dane puppy but not for hay, grain, electric bills, roofing, fixing the plumbing to have running water in her house, hauling the rotting trash away or registering/inspecting her truck, but she can spend a fortune on ANOTHER Great Dane she can't afford to feed or do vet care...." Shortly after that, Jill blocked me. Oh, my friendship meant MILLIONS to her, clearly! So I blocked her on Louize's profile back. After I posted on her wall "Two can play that game. Consider this bridge burned."

I decided to post my previous blog post on Facebook. I posted it publicly so the entire Facebook community can view and share it. It's already had 2 shares by two of my friends who have had bad run-ins with Jill. It's apparently had many views already! Good... the truth needs to be spread since the other 3 people I know decided to keep their stories private so Jill could drag them through the mud without being able to defend themselves. No fair.

Things started to settle out and things were calm until Jill posted a status one of my friends took a screen shot of and sent to me. It said "What a NORMAL boarder, can it be???!! I won't know how to act!!! Welcome back Nicole, bullet and Jazz!!! It will be nice to actually get paid for a change!!!" I'm sorry. She was paid in full for every month I was there. The day we moved Louize we paid her board that very day including a $20 tip for trailering her. In March my mom gave her a $200 bonus for feeding Louize 5 times a day chopped apples and carrots. It was a payment and thank you for going the extra mile to help Louize in her time of dire need. In April, we paid full board for Louize and a pro-rated amount for Yada when she arrived the 16th. We paid full for May for both horses. For June, we refunded the money we lent her for hay and grain by deducting it from board. For July, we deducted the $200 for my early rent from board to refund that since we knew she wouldn't pay it back and didn't have the cash. And then we were only there for 3 days in July do she got $464 extra for that month after we left.  She can't dare say we didn't pay. Even if we hadn't, that $464 extra from July would more than cover most of board for 2 horses.

I took this very status screen shot, posted it to my wall, and let my friends have free access to it! Then I posted a screen shot of the status, my caption, and my mom's comments of "It is nice to not have a barn owner who uses the supplements I bought for Kille's horses on all her horses, who doesn't expect me to "gift" her multiple bags of grain extra every month or to pay for entire trailer loads of hay as "gifts" which weren't gifts! I don't know of anyone who has a good story to tell at the end of it all about Jill Schnedler and CEC!" and " Jill would know about not paying bills, since she owes the electric company $6500 and only still has power because she fraudulently indicated to them she uses a nebulizer. She has gone into foreclosure/Chapter 7/Chapter 11 for not paying her mortgage, and people like vets and farriers won't come out for her animals because she doesn't pay her bills. She doesn't register her car, doesn't have a valid safety inspection - who is SHE to judge normal anyway?" to her Coldbrook Equestrian Center Facebook fan page for everyone to see including every student and parent who likes the page on Facebook. If she deletes it, I can just tag the page in the picture and then everyone can see it still!

Now, I'm just waiting for the Fireworks to start. Two can play this game. For future reference, don't piss off a Branson. Just not a good way to go. She should have just shut her mouth and played nice and I would have shut mine. I didn't even post my note until she started getting nasty and one of her helpers tried defending her with the lies from her mouth.

But fun fact, Saw Chuck and Carrie Dixon at Triple D today! They were smiling and joking and having a grand time! I haven't seen them that happy in a long time! No wonder, Jill speaks poorly of them behind their backs. She complains about their riding technique, teaching, horses, personalities, the way they work their horses, and everything else she can think of. Apparently they used to ride there back when they first met years ago! They had their horses there and helped build the house on the property and everything. They have wonderful memories of the place! Wouldn't it be great if they boarded there too? I really hope they change barns. They deserve to go to a place where they can actually ride without summer camp always in the way and where the barn owner actually respects them.

Louize and Yada's adjustment post will go up tomorrow. I want it to be separate from this. So stay tuned! Maybe more drama will pop up when Jill realizes I posted that picture on her page! Mwahahaha!

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