Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Leaving CEC from my view (without the lies that Jill throws out)

So before Jill Schnedler can slander my good name in the mud as she has done with many of her past boarders, I am going to clarify to the public my side of the story.
We'll start from the beginning. On February 29, 2012, I moved Louize out of Starwalk to Coldbrook Equestrian Center so Louize wouldn't be starved to death. You know the background to that one already.
Things might have been fine if she didn't think we owed her money all the time. If you give her a penny, it's a gift. If you loan her $100, it's a gift. My early rent of $200 was a nonrefundable deposit apparently. That wasn't the agreement on that. I lived there for 3 days. I want my rent back since her house was UNLIVABLE. My mom paid her in advance for riding lessons twice. Once was $100 and another was $200 plus two times that my mom bought her some bags of grain totaling at least $100 for grain. When my mom stopped taking lessons due to feeling uncomfortable at the barn, she wanted to be paid back in full so she deducted it from Jill. Jill got so mad and offended and said "You've been so generous, I thought those were gifts! You just handed me money so I just assumed it was a gift!" Sorry... when someone hands you $200 you can't seriously just think it was a gift out of the kindness of her heart.
She hasn't even paid me for the two weeks of summer camp I put in. I should be getting $240 by the original agreement that I would get $150 a week but $50 per week would be "rent" but since I'm not living with her, I should get the full $150, right? Not in Jill's head. She took out $60 from my summer camp money for a Judy Westlake lesson so $300 - $60 = $240. Oh well. I know I won't get paid. She got two weeks of free labor out of me. And then she tried to tell the police officer we had with us that she was waiting for my mom's check to clear before she paid me because she thought my mom had stopped payment like at Starwalk. She cashed it Friday. She's lying. She tried to make the cop believe her. Sorry, I witnessed Jill open the check from the mail and head to the bank right after.

Well, in short, to get my $200 back, my mom deducted it from the $700 for board. She gave Jill $500 and explained it through an email. All was good until I never got paid for summer camp. So oh well. Jill can keep the $38 of gas money I lent her once, the $240 for summer camp, the $10 tea kettle, the $20 iced tea maker, the $100+ futon upstairs, and my $100 washer and dryer. I'm just going to walk away from those. But if she DARES have the balls to say I owe her even one penny, not going to happen.

Sorry Jill. I’m not going to keep this quiet. I want the community to know about this. I’m not letting you lead people into your plea of innocence and saying you’re always the victim and that everyone else tries to use you. Sorry, who’s using who? I was getting paid $3 an hour for summer camp! I think I’m being used. Oh, wait. I wasn’t paid. I was EXTRA used. Not including all those days March - April when I did stalls, bring in, hay, water, feeding, etc. with you EVERY fucking day. I didn’t ask to be paid for those, but after all I have done for YOU I don’t owe you shit.

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