Monday, September 29, 2014

Water Test

Another thing I seem to always forget to mention: Someone really should go out to Coldbrook Equestrian Center and ask for a water test. New horses that go to Jill Schnedler's barn refuse to drink her water. I can't quite blame them! I wouldn't drink water that smelled like rotten eggs either. Jill Schnedler doesn't drink it either, she drinks bottled water but the animals can drink her water. That's not an issue at all. Fun fact: She told me rabbits could die drinking her water because of the iron content. Too much iron in a rabbit's diet can kill them. Imagine what that's doing to the horses and dogs and any other animals she has on her overcrowded property.

Sunday, September 28, 2014


It seems as though Jill Schnedler really can't help herself but to spread lies in order to try to convince people to stay at her barn and financially support her.

This brings us to the latest update on Jill Schnedler's slander against me.

Sandy, my barn owner's girlfriend, worked at Blue Seal for over a year. She just quit in order to manage my barn full time and to stay at home. A Russian woman was going in to Blue Seal and asking if she could sell pumpkins there to support a local "horse rescue". When asked where the rescue was, Sandy was told it was Jill Schnedler's barn. Well, the owner of Blue Seal already doesn't like Jill because Jill came in for hay, filled her truck to see how many bales she could fit before paying, and then just drove off without paying for any of the bales. Obviously, the answer was no to selling the pumpkins.

Another woman was coming in to Blue Seal to buy a few bags of grain or some bales of hay here and there for Jill Schnedler. She was taking some riding lessons with Jill and she felt like she could help out with her "rescue" by giving Jill some grain and hay whenever she could. After a few months, her money started running a bit short and Sandy warned her that Jill would bleed her dry, just as Jill Schnedler tried to do to me and my mother. She accepted the warning but was sure it would never happen to her. After a while, this woman, whom I do not know other than through this account from Sandy, stopped taking lessons and stopped buying grain and hay for Jill because she just couldn't afford it anymore. She had bills to pay, like a responsible adult. Jill messaged her once or twice on Facebook about different things the "rescue" (Manes Danes & Everything Maine) needed but this woman figured if she ignored Jill then Jill would just go away. After two months without going to Coldbrook Equestrian Center or speaking to Jill Schnedler at all, Jill Schnedler texts this woman out of the blue and asks if she can buy some grain and hay for her "rescue". She says that she can't afford to keep buying this stuff for her. In response, Jill sends her this long text ranting and raving about ME! WHAT?! This woman was reading this text to Sandy at Blue Seal one day and says "Jill is texting me about this person... Kiley? Kill? I have no idea who this is." Sandy reads this and says "OH! That's Kille. She's at my barn now. She lies about Kille all of the time! She left because Jill Schnedler was trying to rip her off."

Not only does Jill spread her lies about me (still), because every responsible woman in her 40s who is trying to run a business should be bad mouthing and slandering previous boarders, but she is still trying to suck people in to her business. She has this woman who was trying to sell pumpkins conned into possibly moving her horses to Coldbrook Equestrian Center. This woman has also set up a webpage for Jill. ( )

The most unbelievable thing is that Jill thinks she can charge $400 for board at her barn that is currently leaking whenever it rains, needs a new roof, and the indoor arena is falling over. Slowly, but surely, it will fall over because the foundation is rotting away. She would be lucky if anyone wanted to pay $200 to stay in that heap of trash! Oh, but it gets better. There is a $50 discount for "prompt payment". So pay ahead and you only have to pay $350. When I was there 2 years ago, I was paying $350 for board... unless you ask Jill Schnedler. I didn't pay board for 7 months according to her. Even though I was there only from the last day of February through July 3rd. I have no idea how 7 months got squeezed into that amount of time!

I have considered sending Jill a cease and desist through a lawyer but Jill Schnedler, Manes Danes & Everything Maine 4H, Manes Danes & Everything Maine Equine Animal Rescue, and Coldbrook Equestrian Center are not worth my time, effort, or money.

I'm waiting for the day this Russian woman is bled dry by Jill... and her horses are starved. I feel bad for her, her teenage daughter, and her two horses already!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

In other news

So a couple of days ago I took Yada and a girl from the barn rode Stitch on a short trail ride. I was happy to see that Stitch did very well! He even overcame his fear of bicycles. Those big scary things with two wheels that could jump out and bite you at any moment! We would have gone farther but both horses started acting like jerks because of the bugs and wouldn't go too far from the barn so we eventually had to turn back because it was useless to force them further. Next time, we'll go with some other horses as well to boost their confidence and have a good time.

I also hear that someone, unknown to me, drove by Coldbrook Equestrian Center on a 70 degree day and saw a horse with a rain sheet on (though Jill never puts rain sheets on her horses, let alone when it's that hot out) and you could still see the bones of the horse's back and hips. That's disgusting that this happened and she's calling herself a rescue since this is the very horse I went to New Hampshire with Jill to get two years ago! She wasn't that skinny then and we thought she was thin when we got her. 

Word travels quickly, Jill Schnedler and people are watching. I wish the State or Town would step up and do something but only time will tell, I suppose. Karma's a bitch and she's waiting, I'm sure. I'll just sit back and wait it out.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Scammed her way out?

It appears as if Jill Schnedler has scammed her way out of foreclosure on her property... for now. How long can she really keep this up? She hasn't paid on her mortgage since May 2012! Keep that in mind if you ever want to go to Coldbrook Equestrian Center, or Manes Danes & Everything Maine, or Manes and Danes Equine Rescue. She's only a "rescue" to receive state funding to feed her animals, I'm sure, because she doesn't have the money herself.

In other news, a woman called the Animal Control Officer on my barn owner. She claimed the cows and horses were ALL skinny. Well, being a responsible owner and knowing the horses aren't skinny at my barn, I called the Town Office and filed a complaint against the ACO. The State came by the farm and even said some of the horses were FAT! Imagine that. Apparently we aren't the first to complain about this ACO and "the State is going to deal with [her] on their end". Good. She obviously has no knowledge of large animals.

I also started working at Acadia Woods Kennel in Bar Harbor as the office manager. Yay! I have been bathing dogs and helping the groomer there on Fridays since mid-January and the former office manager submitted his notice and the owner needed someone to fill the position so I was offered the job! The job comes with a free apartment above the kennel so I no longer have to drive to work, I get two days off a week, I work only 10 hours over the weekend total, and I can kennel my dog here for free. All pluses, especially the kenneling because my dog has separation anxiety and doesn't fair well in the apartment alone, hence why he's never lived in apartments with me. We tried for one month and that was disastrous.

Another great perk about this job: I get to have Chase regularly groomed! I don't have to travel anywhere and the groomer here (who is fantastic) doesn't have to feel rushed when grooming an 83-lb Rough Coat Collie. Nothing is worse than when someone brings in a dog with tons of hair and wonders why he/she won't be done until 5pm. Sorry, but it takes HOURS to completely dry a dog with that much hair... and collies dry quickly in comparison to dogs like Newfoundlands and German Shepherds because their hair doesn't hold the water in. Poodles also dry quickly but they also require a lot of brushing and clipping. Luckily, Collies don't require clipping and I hate groomers who clip Collies unless it is 100% necessary or specifically requested by the owner. Chase has left 4 groomers over the years due to their decision to clip him after we clearly stated "Do not clip him anywhere unless there is a mat you cannot remove."

Gosh being a groomer is tough! I try to help out when I can, even when it's my day off and I have nowhere better to be.

There is just one disadvantage to living and working in Bar Harbor: I'm 45 minutes away from my horse (as long as tourist traffic doesn't make it worse). At least I only work until 5pm and I have some days off. That means I do have time to visit Yada at least a few times a week! I'm going to start planning it out better so I can see her a minimum of 4 times a week and we're going to really get into the work-out routine for her to build up more muscle, start taking some lessons with Carrie Dixon, and get her in shape! I do love living in this area so far and on weekends I'm going to start going out and enjoying the island more! Adventuring Acadia, hiking, and whatnot. It's going to be fun!

Sunday, March 16, 2014


As online research has revealed, as of February 3rd, 2014, Jill Schnedler at Coldbrook Equestrian Center at 214 Coldbrook Rd, Hampden, ME has until May 3, 2014 to become current on her mortgage payments or she will be in foreclosure and evicted from the property. Jill Schnedler has not made a payment to her mortgage since May 1, 2012. I happened to be there as a boarder during this time and I remember her fighting to get the money together to make this payment and it wasn't a full payment, either. Who knows when her last FULL payment was made? Probably never...

Since learning about this foreclosure, I have also learned that Jill Schnedler is still advertising for summer camp at her barn! Instead of "riding camp", as it once was, she now has "Farm Experience" because she doesn't have the horses to have campers riding anymore. Instead, you have to pay a $100 non-refundable deposit for camp and the rest of the camp fee must be paid BEFORE camp starts. All "Farm Experience" camps are $175 per week. If you fail to cancel two weeks in advance, you are still responsible for the whole $175. You must pay the $100 non-refundable deposit or she cannot guarantee you a spot in camp. In other words, she wants everyone to jump up and just pay her the money because it cannot be returned no matter what you do. Easy money, I would say! She also has one week of "Eventing Camp" and one week of "Dressage Camp". Both of these fields, she knows little as she hasn't taught either in a number of years and cannot execute any of it herself any longer. These both cost $250 for the week. You are still responsible for the whole fee if you do not give two full week's notice!

My favorite part about this: Camps start, and go every single week, in mid-June. Her foreclosure date is May 3rd. She wants everyone to jump on the wagon and pay the $100 non-refundable deposits for easy money and then no one can get their money back and she does not have to teach camp because she will be foreclosed on and evicted from the property. Quite the scam she has going here!

Please, everyone, beware of Coldbrook Equestrian Center and its scam artist, Jill Schnedler. She will milk you for everything you have and still try to get more out of you!

On another note:

There are more rumors about me coming from Jill Schnedler! In late April 2012, I drove down to New Hampshire to get a horse who she had at her barn in previous years: Farrah. Farrah is owned by a woman in Bangor, Cindy, and Cindy requested Jill to go to New Hampshire to get her back as she was not working out where she was at the time. Cindy gave Jill some gas money to drive down and we took it from there, we met up with Jill Schnedler's old high school friend (and she bought us a fabulous lunch) and then continued home. Just miles away from Coldbrook Equestrian Center, Jill Schnedler's truck ran out of gas. We called my mom to fill a gas can and fill it up to get us back as Jill had no money for gas at this point. Not only did Jill Schnedler never pay my mom back for this gas but she dared to ask if my mom would help pay for the gas for a horse that has nothing to do with us! How absurd! Jill Schnedler also tried to get my mom to like Farrah so maybe my mom would want to lease her and make it so Jill Schnedler did not have another mouth to feed with the money she did not have. She also asked us if my mom would let her borrow my mom's new Tundra. I was not even allowed to drive it so of course, we declined. No way were we going to let her dogs destroy my mom's truck!

Now the story goes like this: Apparently my mom wanted Farrah and FORCED Jill to go to New Hampshire to get her and then we REFUSED to pay for gas and then LEFT Farrah in her care and took no responsibility.

If you ask me, I think we could ask Cindy, Farrah's owner. I'm pretty sure she will say that she asked Jill to get Farrah and I'm pretty sure I was asked to drive down with Jill Schnedler. Quite honestly, I would have rather not driven down in her unregistered, uninspected Excursion that has no driver-side mirror and only one windshield wiper in the pouring rain on that dreary, awful day. I could have thought of a million other better things to do. We never forced her to do anything. We were nothing but helpful and appreciative until we realized we were just being used and abused by her.

I really hope no one else gets sucked in like that. However, whoever is managing her Coldbrook Equestrian Center and Manes Danes & Everything Maine Facebook pages is being sucked in. Jill Schnedler cannot even afford internet or her smart phone to update them herself and has conned someone else to do that advertising for her.

Please stay away from this scammer!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Jill Schnedler, at it again with Manes Danes and Everything Maine

Well, it's been a long time since I posted but I've been very busy with school, work, and other life things.

A few updates: Yada jumped for the first time (by accident) in December! I was free lunging her and she flew over some bales of hay in the arena! I didn't mean to but she looked great! She jumped it a few more times before getting tired. She was so willing and she was adorable. SO proud!

I also have more updates on Jill Schnedler at Coldbrook Equestrian Center in Hampden, ME. She's started running a "rescue" and 4-H Group called Manes Danes & Everything Maine. She's just doing this to get money from the state and "donations" to pay for the horses and animals she already can't take care of or afford. I can't believe people are buying into this!
Since she started this, two of her "rescues" had to be put down due to health issues and such. I don't really know the specifics other than one came in very underweight and one had a split hoof that required surgery, which she obviously couldn't afford because she can't manage money. She also had to put down Duke who has only had cushings as any kind of health problem I know of. Not really sure why but she put him down. She also killed Sir Leonidas, an OTTB that came directly off the track. HE WAS NEVER A RESCUE! ... though she advertises him as one. 
Leon was purchased for her by some very generous, former boarders. They left after they had weight issues with their horses. After spending hundreds of extra dollars a month for their horses, they kept getting skinnier. She was clearly feeding their grain to her horses because she couldn't afford to feed her own. They left and she was left with $900+ less a month in board checks. Somehow, less than a year later, she claims that Leon had shoulder problems and had to get surgery. Something happened with the surgery and his shoulder swelled up and he eventually had to be put down. I'm sure he just had some kind of injury occur and she couldn't afford to get the vet over, or she owes the vet money, and he ended up dying from it. These generous people bought her a horse. A horse that didn't need to be sold but was sold in the hopes of him having a wonderful retirement home and now he's dead. We all feel terrible about it because I helped encourage it. We all put him in that situation without realizing she could be such a terrible human being. I'm speechless.

To go along with my theories that she, in fact, did not get him any kind of surgery, Manes Danes & Everything Maine has a "wish list" On this wish list has normal things that people might need if they have a lot of horses like these:

Food for the animals (dogs & horses)
Lead Ropes
Feed & Water Bowls
But she also has things like:
Power drill
Screw driver set (who can't get one of these on their own? They're cheap!)
Table saw
Chain saw
Lawn care
Paint & Brushes
Harnesses for horses
GIFT CARDS for gas, feed, tack, hardware, etc
Diesel Duly Pick up Truck 350 (Are you serious? You want someone to buy you a new truck?)
Hay Trailer (You've got to be kidding)
Tractor/Back Hoe (Seriously?)
Dump Truck (Really??)
2 - 6 Horse Trailer with a Camper (Those are $30,000+! NO WAY!)
Water Softener (Because her water is undrinkable right now, but it's okay if the animals drink it. Crazy.)
Water Heater (Because she broke hers)
Clear Span Indoor Arena (Because she's ruined hers)
Wind Mill (What?)
Solar Power (Because she owes Bangor Hydro $1,000s)
Roofing Supplies (Since she wants people to pay for her new roof, obviously)
And she goes as far to ask people to pay her bills/accounts on:
Hay guy in Etna - hay
Hay guy in Levant - hay
Feed & Tack Store - grain (I'm so sorry they let her have credit, they're great people and don't deserve people like her)
Hardware Store - grain
Foxcroft Vet - because she can't afford her bill
Ridgerunner Vet - because she still can't afford her bill
This is so absurd. I can't believe her. 
While you're at it, might as well pay her electric bill and mortgage! Oh, and cut a check for her too so she has a little spending money while she drives around in her FREE duly diesel truck. OR you could just simply donate a new barn and house... since if the Town of Hampden or the State of Maine inspected either, they would be condemned. Especially her house. I'm surprised the place hasn't completely crumbled from water damage since she has no roof and the water goes straight inside and through a spare bedroom upstairs into her kitchen downstairs.
If anyone is looking for a rescue, DO NOT go to Coldbrook Equestrian Center or Manes Danes & Everything Maine. Jill Schnedler is a manipulative cheat and she will suck you dry before you see the light and realize what she is.
She's also selling great dane puppies... unpapered. They live in her house or "kennel". I've been in their. Not a suitable place for anything to live where cats and her ferret poop and pee everywhere and she doesn't clean and the place is riddled with mold from water damage. Oh, and she has no heat or running water. Fun stuff.