It has been a while since I've last posted anything! Sorry about that, people!
Yada has been doing amazing! She has been doing great at her canter and she's been such a good girl. Such a people pleaser, that mare.
My mother's pony, Stitch, has Cushing's Disease (despite his blood tests coming back right on the fence) so I have had to shave his belly and chest this past winter, he got shaved short in the spring, and I just had to shave him again last weekend. The heat is really rough on him lately. Had to hose him off several times the last couple of weeks to keep him cool. He has also had an attack of laminitis for the first time. Last Tuesday the farrier came out and he was so sore on his front feet - but not standing like he had Foundered. We took him off grass, gave him some Bute for a couple of days, and put him in a little dirt paddock with another Cushing's horse.
We purchased Heiro, a supplement for Cushing's and laminitic horses and we'll see soon how he is doing on that. He was very sore on both front feet with a bounding pulse in his fetlock. Since pulling him from grass he is only a little bit off on his front left and his pulse is less bounding but still very present. Next summer, he will not be allowed any grass and we will continue to keep a close eye on his feet and continue communicating closely with our farrier to ensure the best care for his feet.
I have also been teaching lessons at my barn. I have seven students right now and they are all doing rather well! Two sisters I teach are becoming quite independent and almost at the stage that they could start cantering. It is so much fun to be able to teach young students! Stitch gets ridden by one of the sisters and he does so well with her. They are such a good match!
For Mother's Day, I got Stitch genetically tested, too! We were told that he was a Quarter Horse, Morgan, Arabian cross of sorts. His genetic testing shows us the top three results and he is actually Lusitano, Selle Francais, and Arabian! NOT EVEN CLOSE TO WHAT WE WERE TOLD! Amazing the kind of cross he is. Not very common in Maine. He's kind of a fancy pony!
That is all I have for today, but hopefully I'll update again soon!